REAL Potential Of ICP!

REAL Potential Of ICP!

The real potential of ICP lies in the fact that it is not just a Layer 1 competitor, but it is a project that can viably work with Ethereum and other protocols to bring much-needed value to other spaces. ICP can viably work with other ecosystems in creating a new Internet!
#bitcoin #crypto #ethereum #icp #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #internet #shorts #yotuubeshorts

Keep in mind igb's goal is not to kill Bitcoin or kill ethereum it's to work With them each ICP canister you know Four gigabytes of data the price held One gigabyte of data on ethereum for a Year it's 240 million dollars kid you Not the price to hold one gig of data on ICP five bucks this is why ethereum has Already done some integration with ICB They have cross-chain Bridges called Terabithia as allows users to interact With ethereum at web speeds while Simultaneously paying less this Integration helps ethereum with scaling Problems fees and congestion but look at It like this forget the price action ICP Is coming look at the progress they made They're already integrating with Bitcoin For smart contracts and D5

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