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Is the NASDAQ crashing going to have an effect on SP500, Bitcoin or the economy (real estate)? This is a very touchy subject and may trigger bag holders of TSLA; this is not my intention. Please watch the video in full. My hope is it will save investors money and see through the misinformation in the news cycles. Cheers, Jason.
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If you own tech stocks like Tesla this Video is especially for you if you are Looking to dollar cost average into the NASDAQ or other US Stocks but also Considering cryptos and Bitcoin you must Watch this video before you get Absolutely wrecked Again by some fool on YouTube of course I am on YouTube as Well so take this information away with You go and process it and work on it a Little bit more to make it your own so That you can see what is going on here Everything that I'm talking about in Today's video is stuff that we have Already posted on Twitter for free on YouTube for free and of course to our Members as well in the investor Accelerator group now I'm not going to Sit here and shill you our paid members Group this is just about the charts and How you can stay safe in the markets Looking at some really entry level uh Signals that we use here on the channel Every day so make sure you are Subscribed to the Channel with the Bell Notification icon on like the video up And of course time to die dive in the Markets that I'm talking about today are The NASDAQ and this is obviously has Been heavily correlated with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies as they're also in that Tech sector now it's not all bad news For tech stocks for traditional stocks And for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin
Eth and the other altcoins so I want to Share with you how to split these apart To understand which ones are strong Which ones are weak because this isn't Going to happen to all markets however What we've seen in the past during the Previous cycles of over 20 years is that Tech does not do very well over the next Few years we have a lot of channels out There if you are unfamiliar with them That talk specifically about tech stocks They're in love with Tesla they talk Daily about Tesla in the cases of some Of these channels like this and all of The content is made up of why Elon Musk Has the light shining out of his ass and Why you need to be buying Tesla or Tesla Stock I'm not throwing any shade at These channels whatsoever this is just Purely what I have experienced over the Last 16 years being in the market and How retail gets absolutely screwed as They invest on their emotions usually Just disguised as some sort of Fundamental analysis or great big news Around that stock and just don't look at A chart now I'm just doing entry level Stuff here today beginner stuff here and If you are a bit further along than a Beginner this is obviously going to be Very very helpful as well like I said Earlier this is stuff that I have posted On Twitter and on YouTube and to our Members here at the investor accelerator
Which you can find a link to in the top Of the video description up here where We look at the specifics on how we do This analysis so the first thing I want To look at is the NASDAQ just looking at The history here looking at the last.com Boom and we've also seen another pretty Massive boom so this is essentially a Bubble in tech stocks this is not to be Confused with the s p or with the Dow Jones Industrial as we'll see in just a Second we're looking at macro stuff here This is not going to be sexy or fun or Looking at you know how we're going to Make the next 100x because frankly That's how people got wrecked in the First place I don't want to wreck people I just want people to stay safe in the Market and be able to survive for that Next stage of the cycle so this is the NASDAQ this is the Previous.com bubble the bust was 84 then We had the move from that low to this Next Peak here of about 2 200 points so It was still a very significant move Once the NASDAQ found a bottom in around 2002 2003 and then made that final Peak At around 2007 so you could still trade That move there was a lot of gains to be Had then the market busts everything Busted at that point went to a new low But that was a higher low than the Previous odd bottom then of course the Rest is history the market went on an
Absolute Mega bull market so this is not To say that tech stocks are bad but Sometimes they are not ready to be Invested in and other markets are ready To be invested in this is Tech stock Specifically right now so some of those Key things that we looked at to remain Safe in the market as it began to break Down in the case of Tesla we need to Look at a few things here the first Thing being why this next stage of the Cycle is not going to be strong for tech Stocks the second is some tech stocks Will do okay some of them will do very Well and the other one here is to not Get sucked into some tech stocks which Won't do well and lose a lot of money Dollar cost averaging into these slower Stocks or in the case of Cryptocurrencies as well and to add a Full thing on there could this also Apply to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies of As they are part of that Tech play so First things first in a macro sense We've looked at the NASDAQ here the NASDAQ in that fall went down 84 Currently for the NASDAQ we're not near 84 and it may not go down 40 before uh Sorry 84 currently around 37 I pointed Out previously on the channel that maybe A fall of around 47 to about this level Here the 50 level 8 900 points is on the Cards for the NASDAQ it is weaker than The s p and the Dow Jones so that it is
Likely that we're going to see further Falls on the NASDAQ compared to those Other markets so already this puts tech Stocks in a much weaker position it Could go as low as these previous highs You can see in 2019 2018 so that gives Us a drop of around 54 down to about 7 700 points and if we continue to look Further down back to the covert crash Low the pandemic low that's nearly a Drop of 60 down to 6 700 points if this Is the case then this is going to be a Long drag out for the the text stocks Generally speaking but some may stand Out so the first thing in the shorter Term time frames that's the macro there We potentially still have further down And the reason why we have further to Fall in the NASDAQ on the monthly chart Here you can see that we were rejected At this particular 50 level so we're Just using a quick look here August top To the October low rejected at 50 12 000 points and now we're down at 10 800 Points probably going to test this October low and go lower so you can see That it is weak 50 are going to be Critical here that you can use moving Forward to see strength and weakness to Be able to get out of things like Tesla Like I posted back here to our members In November looking specifically at 50 Levels saying here that if the monthly Bar closes at 180 it is going to be
Long-term pain that could have saved Many Tesla owners of the stock a lot of Money about 40 odd percent last time I Checked it here from about 180 bucks all The way down to 109 this has probably Got a lot further to go and we could Have got out much much earlier like we Do with this Wing indicator here also There is a link to the swing indicator In the top of the video description Right up here like I've talked about on The channel but going back to the NASDAQ This is looking weaker here why well Let's look at the s p so the s p using That same range August to October has Moved up higher and has actually Fallen Less it's still slightly weak here Because it's below this 50 level of 3 900 points but it's doing okay this Could fall further could fall past 35 But it does have some more support Levels at a higher ground than the NASDAQ the stronger one out of all of These is the Dow Jones the Dow Jones August to this October low has actually Exceeded the August Tops This is far far Stronger and it hasn't even broken that Low In the past the Dow Jones has actually Gone on to be stronger during this next Stage of the cycle when I talk about This next stage of the cycle we're Looking here at around 2000 and sorry 2022-ish and we're looking forward to
About 2026 this is going to be this Second half of the real estate cycle When things get going this is what we're Looking for here this next stage right Now this is going to be very different To what a lot of people are saying Looking at a potential massive recession In 2023 we've got many many years to go At lower prices this is not what the Charts are saying like I pointed out a Few times here in the case of Tesla just Looking at simple t a the charts are Just saying that in this case the charts Were saying down in this case for the Dow Jones the charts are saying up and The Dow Jones in the past has led this Second stage of the cycle as well you Can see here that we've got the top in Around 2000s that was a.com bust all the Markets went down into around 2002 2003 The Dow Jones actually made a new Significant an all-time high before we Had the collapse into the GFC whereas The s p Did not it basically made a double top So it was weaker and then crash into That low so we're starting to see that Same sort of thing now if you look at it In terms of the three the NASDAQ it did Not make it To the previous top of the 2000 boom it Was well and truly down and then Collapsed as well but it went on another Big massive run when that cycle reset so
We're looking at the same sort of thing Now The NASDAQ was the strongest the s p has Been relatively strong not as strong as The NASDAQ and the Dow Jones not a Strong overall compared to these other Two markets however now we're starting To see the NASDAQ stronger into this Next stage the s p doing pretty well but Not as strong as the the Dow Jones and The NASDAQ actually being the weakest Out of the three of these because it is Tech heavy and this is why we're looking At Tech being weaker into these next few Years so to stay safe with your Investments and not get too sucked in to Dollar cost averaging into some tech Stocks in the case of Tesla just because It down it's down and down a lot it Doesn't mean it can't go further down And it is absolutely sliced through These support levels that it once saw Resistance at at around 160 170 so how Could you have stayed safe if you were Holding Tesla and what can we look out For moving forward to be able to make Some money in these markets well you've Got this major swing low here you've got The monthly swing top and the monthly Swing bottom using our proprietary Tia Again swing indicator here as I pointed Out top of the video description that's Your shill absolutely inexpensive to be Able to save you hundreds if not
Thousands of dollars looking at this Swing bottom it broke down from this Level here that is a pretty reasonable Signal that the market is going to go Lower sure it's a long way off the top But wouldn't you love to be out at 230 Dollars instead of 109 same sort of deal Here for the 50 tool this tool is Absolutely free in your trading view It's the FRIB retracement tool right Here so look for the FIB retracement put It to the absolute low to the all-time High and the 50 level once that is taken Out most of the bets are over that this Thing is going much much lower like I Posted about on Twitter as well so we're Just driving home the point of how Simple some of these strategies can be When those signals come up however going Back to that time period The Narrative Is that Tesla had to go up much much Further there was a lot of retail Getting sucked into the market earlier This year March April May June Especially when these lows came in and Then we had that subsequent bounce this Next bounce was much much weaker and of Course there was a double top there and Of course this then led to lower prices So if you are going to get into stocks Or crypto definitely keep an eye on the Macro charts as well and stay tuned to The channel like subscribe so you can Get an update of how to use these tools
To save you a ton of money in the market If you want to take that extra steps Further if you want to get into trading And investing full-time go and subscribe To our free email newsletter it's at the Top of the video description here Massive report on stocks crypto and of Course real estate as well so that is a Look at Tesla and why this thing is Probably going to be weaker into this Next stage of the cycle it's gone on a Massive bull market huge bubble the Bubble has to pop and it always takes a Long time to get out of a massive popped Bubble but to the good news some stocks In the case of Apple actually did Relatively well in the SEC second half Of the cycle that we've looked at many Many times before so we've got the peak Of the.com bubble this is 2000 Apple Dropped but then during that next stage This second half of the cycle leading Into the peak of 2007 Apple actually Rose and broke the all-time high how do You know that this is going to happen Well you've got some breaks of monthly Swing tops here at around that 50 Cent Level and of course Apple has also had a Stock split so this price is was Different back in the time so 50 Cent Level you can see the monthly tops were Broken next the 50 level was broken and That is telling us that this stock is Far far stronger if Tesla happens to do
The same thing over the coming years Between now and the next say two three Years then that could swing in the favor Of Tesla and give us more bullish upside For Tesla into the next stock market Peak Apple did relatively well in that Second half it pulled back into the GFC Low and then took off again so Apple has Been relatively strong and as we can see Now from these Peaks apple is still Above its significant 50 levels so it's Still holding up relatively well Regardless of the fundamentals about Around Tesla or apple or any other Stocks just looking at the chart Investors are saying this is stronger Than Tesla at this point in time that Then begs the biggest question for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors can Bitcoin hit a new all-time high in the Next bull market cycle so looking Specifically at Bitcoin and Bitcoin only Not at eth not other cryptocurrencies we Need to see Bitcoin get back above 34 And a half thousand dollars why well That's the 50 level from the all-time High to the all-time low and for Bitcoin The all-time low is basically zero so 34 And a half thousand dollars needs to be Overcome Bitcoin also needs to take out Its monthly swing tops to show that Buyers are coming back into the market That is going to be a major confirmation Point for the macro players similar to
What we saw with apple back here 2002 to 2003 as it broke out into 2004 on its Way back to that 50 level so once that Occurs then there's a pretty strong case Of Bitcoin hitting that new all-time High for now we can't say that it will Hit a new all-time high what's happened In the past is it's always hit a new All-time high but nonetheless even with The worst case scenario once we find a Bottom in the case of the NASDAQ from That bottom there was still a 180 Percent move Bitcoin may do a little More it's a worldwide Market it's pretty Unregulated so it's much easier for Money to come into the market as well so If we're looking for a worst case Scenario here potentially a 200 increase From wherever that low might form should The lows be 15 000 could get us to Around forty five thousand in line with Some of these other previous tops of Course that's just throwing numbers out There because we don't have a confirmed Low yet so once we do get that confirmed Low it's going to give us some easier Calculations for targets coming into This next stage of the bull market we'll Also know where those resistance levels Are in order for the monthly swings to Be broken and of course the 50 level as Well so Bitcoin still got some work to Do in order to prove itself for this Next half of the cycle but like we saw
With apple there is the possibility of Some of those cryptos doing better than Others and others just won't make it Like we saw with the previous.com bust Many stocks did not make it through that Particular bust same sort of deal with The rest of the old coin Seasons a lot Of altcoins just don't make it so hold On to that money type we don't have any Confirmation just yet but obviously be Looking out for any sort of low signals Here subscribe and like the channel up So you get updated with those Notifications and if you're wondering About what could happen next for the NASDAQ leading the second half of the Cycle we've got to keep a lookout for This 50 level does it break down does it Fall into the danger zone which would Then mean that the market could lag for This entire stage of this next half of The cycle that would then mean a lot of Tech stocks could be in a much weaker Position and not get those gains like They saw in that first half of the cycle That's what a lot of people are chasing And expecting next time around so stay Very cautious stay glued to your charts I'll see you back here again at the next Video be sure to like And subscribe Check out the links in the top of the Video description for our free report And of course the Tia Gan swing Indicator there as well I'll see you
Guys at the next video Until Then peace Out