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Bitcoin's finally broken under the Support level that's been holding this Market up after that Stellar pump for The last several weeks in 2023 but Unfortunately the dumb money is doing The same thing they've done every single Time in history that's what we're going To look at in today's video using the Data objectively understanding what is Going on here in the markets and how we Can best avoid the pain and suffering From the previous Cycles to make the Most out of the upcoming bull market Cycles you've tuned in to your home of Macro cycle analysis on bitcoin stocks And the real estate market make sure you Do subscribe like the video up and of Course share the content with a friend To help them out with the macro cycle Analysis much love to you guys for Showing up every day here throughout the Bear Market don't forget you've also got A free crypto and economic report that Comes out once every two weeks to your Email inbox link is in the top of the Video description and the swing Indicator that I'm using in today's Video is also at the top of that video Description again swing indicator over a Hundred years of data across all charts Alright guys let's have a look at what's Happening with Bitcoin right now after The twenty two thousand dollar support Level has been taken out so we are now
Holding just above the logarithmic bear Market downtrend now in many cases in History this has been a resistance level The market then breaks out and then Comes back to test it as support before Eventually grinding out and working its Way higher once we break out of the Logarithmic downtrend this is usually a Pretty good sign that the tables have Turned and we're about to work our way Into a new bull market now like I said I'm just looking at the data on the Chart before I give you my opinion later In the video because I just want to keep It nice and data focused at this point In time we're looking at the patterns on The chart so going back to the previous Cycle here here we've got the top Joining up with another monthly swing Top so that's the the Gan swing Indicator here I've taken it off the Chart just to keep things a little more Clear basically this is where that top Has come in and we're just looking at The logarithmic chart now so you can see The market broke out here pretty Convincingly we had a nice big pump out Of that accumulation Zone and then we Went on that Stellar run all the way up To 13 900. so this was the breakout of The logarithmic downtrend the market Barely came back in this case to come Back and touch that level before it took Off we also have another area here so
This was after that market pump so I Thought I would throw this one in here Even though it wasn't the market cycle Bottom because I just want to have a Look at how the market responded to Another log downtrend and so we can see That it began to break out it came back And tested it just here in the mid part Of January before the market began to Climb away now of course if we didn't Have such an extreme event like the Pandemic low maybe we would have come Back and tested it or just formed a Little bit of a higher low before the Market took off now I say that which is Subjective it's not obviously not Objective because it did happen and Break and then came back above and moved Away the reason I say that is because we Can see how well it was still respected Even on the breakout again you can see Here April 2020 and then again April 2020 so on a weekly chart here that the Market used it as resistance for many Weeks came back tested it and then Bounced away from that point and so it's Important to note how well these Resistance and support lines are Respected during the market action Because that allows you to know which Lines are important and which lines Aren't and so a logarithmic downtrend I Found to be quite useful in the markets To let me know when the tides are
Turning because through this breakout Period there was still a lot of people Saying that the market had to come back It had to break down test these lows Again from the pandemic low you guys Would have to remember just a few years Ago in 2020 this March and April period Whereas we began to bounce out even on The s p in the major markets around the World everyone was still expecting a Much bigger decline that is very recent History and we know now that once a lows Form and these levels are broken out a Test tends to happen and then you can See the market sort of move away from That point now I've got these little Sayings in the bottoms as well because It just goes to show especially these Extreme low levels what the masses are Thinking I was in the Market at this Time there was a lot of people calling For a thousand dollar Bitcoin Bitcoin Had to go back to one thousand dollars Just like what we're seeing at this Current point in time now of course this Isn't completed yet we're not completely Away from the 10K but as the market Progresses and we potentially start to Form a higher low even even though this Market could fall come back and test 18 19 20K that could be the higher low that They were that we're all waiting for for That sign of strength the higher low is A sign of strength even though the
Market has to come back it happens all The time because it's uh essentially Telling you that buyers longer term Investors smart money if you will are Coming into the market at a higher price Than they previously were so the Supplies come into the market there are More people selling now in a shorter Term they're putting that Bitcoin back Onto the market it could even be the Smart money doing that to try and test Those lower levels and then you start to See the buying action come in at a Higher price that is a bullish sign even Though the market is falling it happens Time and time again remember this is a Weekly chart and you can see it happen Over and over and over again it even Happened recently in December as we Formed that low in November we started To get that high low and that bounce Away and so going back to these points Here Bitcoin will go to 10K we're still Hearing that but that will possibly and Probably eventually fade if over the Next month or two we do get this higher Low form and the market breaks away once These Highs are broken shows over that Is going to be a lot of pain to Investors who are still waiting for any Sort of 10K or 12K or 14k Bitcoin maybe Even a retest of 15K those possibilities Begin to fade a hell of a lot as we Start to see some more of these signals
Come in now let's test the logarithmic Downtrend on the cycle prior to 2018 so We're looking at 2014 2015 this downtrend here on again the Logarithmic chart I've connected it to This was a monthly swing top so a Significant monthly swing top as you can See just how well that the market Respected this trend line throughout the Journey down now nothing is perfect Obviously we can't find perfection in These markets because it's made up of Humans and no one's perfect at the end Of the day but what we do see is a Little breakout here and then a fall Back under the logarithmic downtrend now Note the timing of when that occurred This was early on in the piece and this Tends to happen as well you've seen it In previous Cycles if you're joining any Of these sorts of moves to another Monthly top you can see it break out and Then it came back and tested it on that Breakdown so this is another really good Logarithmic downtrend to have a look at Because the monthly top was broken so The logarithmic logarithmic downtrend Trended sideways and that eventually Came back and tested the upper side of The downtrend so that's a good sign There as well but obviously you know I've now adjusted that to this other Level here and you can see the market Break out of that point once that new
Data comes in you can readjust the lines Keep the lines on that you're using at That time so you can see whether the Signals come in from that point so 2014 2015 also respected the downtrend you Can see we had a resistance further down Into the accumulation Zone more Resistance pretty solid here until it Finally got the breakout then a Potential retest here or basically did Retest the level and then the market Bounced away from that point again also Note at that time there was a lot of Talk about Bitcoin we'll go to a hundred Dollars even talks of lower prices you Know looking further down because of the The recent history there it was only a Couple of years earlier the Bitcoin was Trading under a hundred dollars so it Was well within the psyche of the Current buyer at the time to expect that Bitcoin had to go back under a hundred Dollars because essentially what value Is there at that point in time so the Next thing to note is the yellow box Here so we have multiple yellow boxes on The chart and this goes hand in hand With the next part of the analysis Looking at these areas which if ignored Tend to be extreme pain for that Unfortunate investor who is waiting for This extreme downside Target because Someone told them that it should reach That price remember we don't want to
Listen to what other people are saying Include myself there I just want to look At what the chart is saying because that Is the only place that I'm going to get True data from true facts and then it Comes down to how you interpret that Data as well so this is the next key Level remember I'm not trying to say That just because the market breaks the Logarithmic downtrend that we're about To go into an explosive bull market we Are looking at these levels with a Retest of the bear Market downtrend it May not come back and test it exactly on The exact line but it will probably show Some sort of move back to that area to Come back and test the previous Resistance and potentially make it some Support now during this period in terms Of a time frame we are probably working Our way towards the end of the Accumulation Zone like you can see here In the middle of 2015 although we still Had multiple months left from uh June Where the breakout was until that next Breakout here in October you still got a Few months there same sort of deal in 2019 once the logarithmic was broken Which the the one I was showing early on Was April we had some time to purchase But it was at higher prices now if it Was looking at this particular top here In April the market came back and tested It you still had that few months in this
Zone here before the market broke away Again so by no means am I trying to say That we're about to go up and test 40K Or 50k this is going to take some time It is a process and the Bears need to Get excited again thinking that they Have the opportunity to get back to 10K The Bulls have to get worried again Because the smart money is testing where That support comes into the market and So like we've looked at before this Tends to be a a transitional period in The market so before I get to my opinion On what I think is coming next and Basically my support levels where I'm Looking to buy a Bitcoin based on the The charts that we just looked at there We've also got the MV RV ratio here Which you can find online so the main Thing I want to have a look at here is Once we go underneath one so this darker Line here goes underneath one in each of These bear Market scenarios it's not too Long until you don't get that Opportunity again and the market Basically moves out of that zone Potentially tests it like in the case of 2012 but then moves away and we don't Ever see that zone again until the next Bear Market comes into play so the same Thing happened again from 2015 you can See we moved out of that zone we had the Peak in 2017 and then the bull market Comes through so we have that
Opportunity and this opportunity always Comes at the most extreme bearish times Just like what we've seen recently from June to the nov and Below as we ground Our way through December which was Pretty quiet times it was a very dead Sort of Market through this period here And then we finally had a spike move out Of those lows and so like we've seen in History we may get an opportunity for The market to jump out of these zones Like it saw in July and again around That July August period before it Dropped back in eventually it spikes out And doesn't come back into this Zone Typically from history these zones have Been the best buying opportunities so Don't ignore what we're currently seeing On the chart even though there is a lot Of talk about the possibility of this Being the biggest ball trap of all time Bitcoin has to come back and test 15K Bitcoin has to come back and do 10K Bitcoin doesn't have to do anything all We're looking at here is the Probabilities and how much time we Actually have left to implement our plan Of in this case buying Bitcoin investing In Bitcoin holding it for the longer Term until we see those uh those Peaks Come into the market so about six weeks Ago was the last time I looked at the MV RV here looking at six months left Before this ends this potentially is
Coming sooner because the June low may Be the start of the count for this Particular signal here now we were Looking at the drop into the mvrv zone Right here through 2014 and 2015 and Just how much time it actually spends Underneath one which is a good load up DCA opportunity spot of course not Looking at leverage trading here on Bitcoin but just looking at spot in Terms of when the when the timing is Right until the timing is not right Anymore and the market climbs out of This zone so that particular video there About six weeks ago looking at six Months left before it ends and we're Potentially within that zone now maybe We have a couple of months left maybe we Come back like we've done in the past in That 2015 come back and just test the Zone once again maybe track around here Before moving our way out of that zone Sometime for good maybe in late quarter Two maybe the second half of 2023 but at The moment with this little bit of a Move down for Bitcoin it looks like Maybe we're coming back to at least test This Zone again to see whether the Supply of Bitcoin is actually drying up Meaning that the buyers who have Purchased during these lows between June And November are actually going to hold On to their Bitcoin which then Structurally puts in a higher low now
Before I mention my opinion quick Shield Here to like the video subscribe to the Channel and share it with a friend if They're interested in crypto but they're Waiting for that perfect opportunity to Get back into the market hopefully not At all time highs again like in 2021 and 2017 and to our video channel sponsors Here by bit bitget and swiftx spot Trading zero percent fees I'm not Talking about leverage but if you choose To trade on Leverage have a plan join us At Tia crypto as well which is there is A link here in the video description Okay so on to my opinion what I'm Looking at doing I like Bitcoin between This level of 18 and 22k I am losing Hope for the retest of 15K therefore I Don't want to get greedy and wait for 15K so I will ladder back into the Market in more of a pyramid fashion Learn what pyramiding is I've talked About it on the channel looking at a Pyramid like this not Like what most Traders do and they just Put a little bit in at the bottom Because they're scared and then they put A lot of money in at the top so when the Market rolls over they're basically in a Loss straight away so I'm looking at Dropping more in on the way down I think These levels are pretty good between the Sort of 18 and 22 because if Bitcoin Drops underneath 18K then the structure
Changes you know we're dropping back Below these previous support levels here Whether that yellow line is that's Around 18 and a half and then down to 18 There is those previous bottoms so if it Starts to drop underneath these levels Then we are left with a different Structure it can Spike under there but We don't want to see Bitcoin Re-accumulate or start its price action Back under these levels of 18K we Definitely want to see it hold at least At 18K and start to work its way higher Once again if you made it this far in The video here's one extra little piece For a potential bull market ahead let me Know the comments section if you do make It this far far in the video drop me a Bull emoji and write bull trap down There this is the ftse 100 I've been Posting about this on Twitter as well so Go over and follow Twitter this is the Top 100 stocks in the UK it has reached A new all-time high price for the second Day in a row a new all-time high price Bear markets are not all-time high Prices absolutely crazy and we've just Hit the highest close in history on the UK the top 100 stocks in the UK so let Me know in the comment section down Below if you made it this far drop a Bull Emoji with bull trap down below I Love to see you guys down there and of Course showing your support there with
The likes subscribes and sharing it with A friend I'll see you guys at the next Video Until Then peace out