TOP Altcoin Performer (CRUST Crypto Review)

TOP Altcoin Performer (CRUST Crypto Review)

Everybody wants to get the low cap gem that everybody’s talking about. Well, sometimes you go on the surface of the earth and other times you’ve got to dig straight to the CRUST to find out what’s going on. In this video, we’re going to be talking about a project Crust that’s in a niche that we think is going to blow up. This project’s got a lot of potential!

0:00 Intro
0:24 CRUST Network
1:46 Tokenomics
4:40 What is CRUST?
10:27 The Con
11:46 Conclusion

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Everybody wants to get the low-cap gym Everybody's talking about well sometimes You go on the surface of the Earth and Other times you got to dig straight to The crust to find out what's going on in This video we're going to be talking About a project crust that's in a niche That we think is going to blow up this Project's got a lot of potential let's Get it Quite a bit with crypto my name is Ben Today we're going to be taking a look at Crust Network we're gonna be taking a Bite out of the proverbial pie if you Will but today I do want to mention this Before we get started this is not in any Way a sponsor a video I actually don't Hold this coin in my portfolio as of Right now we don't corporately hold this Coin in our portfolio but we think this Is an interesting one and we're going to Tell you why here in just a little bit But instead of hearing it from me why Don't we start by you hearing it from The founder Luke fan also the core Developer let's hear what he has to say About the potential of crush Network so Uh we are targeting on building uh the Free like storage Marketplace which like Uber or like the Airbnb allows the user Who have the storage needs and matches Those needs to the storage providers in Our Network all right so you can see by What Luke said here it's very

Interesting he's compare it to Uber and Airbnb now first you hear a lot of Labels in crypto about the next this the Next this well just because it says it Trying to be the next thing doesn't mean It's going to but the goal is for them To become kind of a decentralized Economy and decentralized marketplace Where some people have something which Will be storage space in this and They're able to rent it out to those People here's as the storage needs match Those needs to the storage providers in Their Network so that is what cross Network is essentially so let's come and Let's take a look at some of the numbers Here so this across Network right now it Is ranked number 608 on coing Cru is the token Symbol you see it's having a bad day Today down 7.7 percent but the market Cap is 33 million dollars and this is Where I always talk to you guys about Potential okay people are always looking For low cap gems trying to figure out How you can find coins down coin market Cap or down coin gecko that have a lot Of value well you want to look for Potential within a niche we know there Are two coins filecoin and our weave That we've looked at that we think are Going to be huge in this Niche if you've Been watching my channel for years is You know that for the last two years

I've been saying I believe in this bull Run that not only are layer 2 projects Going to pump we're also going to see Decentralized storage become a bigger And bigger deal as we run against Bandwidth problems now the market cap of Cru of crust here is 33 million dollars Well let's come look at filecoin market Cap here is 3.1 billion dollars a hundred x times Approximately the market cap of across Network and vaco incoming rank number 27. we have are we which is ranked Number 88 a coin that we really like as Well and look at their market cap 554 million dollars you guys can see That is another massive amount of x's to Get from where crust network is to where Our weave is now we can't guarantee it That they're gonna get there but when we Look for diamonds in the rough we look For coins and niches that can shine so Let's look here at the circulating Supply 18.9 million coins total Supply right Now coming in at 27 million all right so We look here we see the project started Back in January of 2021 and it got all The way up to a hundred and fifty five Dollars price right now sitting at 1.77 A massive drawdown now here here's what I would say this wasn't on my radar in 2021 was it on yours it's still pumped Out of control without even being on

Anybody's radar Um and so this was a little bit early For the decentralized storage niche in My opinion here we've had Flatline Forever this is your typical bear Market Accumulation zone now this doesn't mean That every project is going to get off The map some of these projects they Don't get off this map they just stay Flat forever but this is one we are Looking at in particular we think it Might do pretty well of course no Guarantees here now don't forget Subscribe to the channel here we go big Boy crypto don't forget if you want to See me yell at Alex machinsky and yell At uh Celsius we got plenty of other Channels as well don't forget to hit up Frankie candles bit live Academy around The blockchain blockchain basement hit Network all Madden Sports you guys make Sure to go check all those out okay so Let's check out let's get into the Nitty-gritty of what cross network is Cross Network crypto project positions Itself as a decentralized data storage Provider it's a unique service in a World where data storage and Preservation are becoming increasingly More important by the day with the help Of its native crucin the project in Question aims to address set Topics in a Cross-chain manner now Cross chain obviously you need that in

Today's interoperable space but why is It important well it's important because We're starting to run programs that take Up massive amounts of space if you think Metaverse we're not going to have enough Storage space on computers already I Can't pull up my sandbox land on my Computer our builder for what we've been Building in sandbox because I don't have Enough storage space on my computer to Pull it up so here's some pros according To bit degree of course is their opinion Only decentralized data storage and Sharing off-chain operations suitable For individuals and developers alike Store personal web 3 nft metaverse Related files CR U token utility and Governance dedicated crust wallet the Cons there's a steep learning curve for Beginners we're going to get into one That's kind of silly here in a little Bit uh to put it simply across a Decentralized data storage Network it's Connected with web3 and the ecosystems Present on this new form of the internet Probably the simplest way of how you can Think of the Cross Network crypto Project I'll be acknowledging that it's Far from one to one example is as a Decentralized Dropbox so look at the Companies as being compared to Uber Airbnb Dropbox this is specifically with The area called crust files so of course With a decentralized data storage

Network you're going to need a place to Store files cross files does that you're Able to keep everything Anonymous and Decentralized so this is very important Because Um obviously you don't want all of your Files being known on the Internet by Every person who they belong to so you Want to be able to keep your anonymity And keep things private they've also got A decentralized cloud ecosystem if you Want to learn more about that you can Check out this article we'll drop the Link to this article Down Below in the Description now this is just important Because this is important to know the Consensus model they actually use two We'll get into the second a minute but It's called mpow or meaningful proof of Work it's Unique type of trustless Technology allows the network to inspect And guarantee the work the crypto miners Perform so if you think proof of work For Bitcoin they prove a stake for Ethereum or cardano you know there's Plenty of consistent mechanisms out There just know this is you probably Don't even care about this but just know This is the consensus mechanisms they Use m-p-o-w or pow a centralized Institution May potentially now this is Why we like decentrality things over Centralized things right it's obvious Right centralized institution May

Potentially have a lot of weak points Ones that can be exploited by malicious Third parties can be approved by simply Googling all the high profile hacks that Have happened throughout the years you Don't even have to go that far just Think about all the exchange Insolvencies we've had to see that Centralization there's a reason we're Trying to build decentralized systems it Has too many flaws and there's too much On the line to allow other people to Take advantage of your data of course Here there's two different ways to Upload you can upload by a Gateway and Also ipfs if you remember filecoin I Believe falcoin created the ipfs don't Hold me to that I think they did it's The interplanet every file system very Interesting stuff they're planning on Moving to outer space at some point this Is where we're at in the world am I Right here's the other consists Mega News called gpos Um this here is a consistent mechanism Just specifically for dealing with Security issues why it's called Guaranteed proof of stake Um let's see we got a little bit more Here the Cru coin so if you want to know What the Cru token actually does it's Used to secure the network as well as Maintain order when it comes to data Storage resource provision lastly one of

The most important features of Cru token Is governance they're basically trying To create a dow just like everybody else Is Right a decentralized autonomous Organization token holders will be able To vote on network changes and updates I Mean this is something typical in crypto When we talk governance we're talking About users being able to use the Platform and use their own individual Platform based on a variety of different Factors to be able to push the project In the direction that they want it to go Maybe Celsius could take a note from That Um also of course we already talked About the price movement here they do Have their own dedicated wallet Um the Cru wallet as you can see there Now of course every project has got to Have a road map right so this one is no Different when it comes to the roadmap Of uh crushed you can go here if you Want to find out more about what they're Doing you go to their roadmap directly On their website and see What they're doing right now for a Quarter one of 2023 client-side data Encryption and crust software Development kit they're doing some ZK Based stuff authorization lifecycle Management one important thing to Understand is they are really focused on Decentralized social media they want to

Play a role in that so they're making Some moves to make some of that stuff When it comes to data sharing and Authorization a little bit easier to Handle and dissect you can go through This interactively but one thing I want To point out here according to bit agree They do have a very solid road map but Here's what's in the future further down The line they've got plans for Decentralized T attestations Network Scaling as well as creation of data Management solutions for the metaverse Guys this is all coming it's just a Matter of time but that's a little bit Further down the road now this it might Be too complicated for you is this too Complicated all you got to do is just go To The Exchange and buy it am I right Not find Angel advice so the con the bit Degree brings up here is quite Interesting because this is a con for Adoption when we're looking for coins to Invest in we're looking for speculation We want to see the prices of these go up Which is based on narrative and Sentiment that's really all it boils Down to right now How likely is it that People investing in this coin are going To believe that the price is going to go Up because of all this information that We've given that's the important thing Actually people going onto the network And using it that's much further away

For that stuff actually equals the price So here with the con might be too Complicated for your average individual For sure right now nobody's using Decentralized data storage solutions Once we move to that and people are Using those types of solutions and they Get used to it then there's going to be A much better opportunity for people to Know how to do this But this is not going to matter for this Next Bull Run it's not like people are Going to run huge cross Network or file Coin and be like you know what that was Hard let's not put our money in this Token the vast majority of people right Now are speculating you've got to Understand that difference we're very Far away from use case equaling what the Price is going to be so there you go That's it we got to the center of the Pie we ate it the only thing we left was The crust I want to know from you guys Down below in the comments do you think Cross network is a competitor in this Space in this decentralized storage Space are you going to stick with Filecoin or are we've or is there Another one that you're not telling us About drop that gem down below it's all Got be blessed good boy out [Music] Thank you [Music]

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