Alex Jones on Silver Manipulation (URGENT WARNING to Investors)

Alex Jones on Silver Manipulation (URGENT WARNING to Investors)

Alex Jones has been talking about Silver Manipulation forever. Is he crazy or crazy like a fox? Things may not be as they appear on Wall Street and I’m starting to wonder what is TRULY at play here. Could retail investors be on the way to getting REKT? Could this lead to our Bitcoin Boston Tea Party moment?

Today we will talk about the silver short squeeze that’s happening right now, possibly fueled by WallStreetBets. What is really going on with silver right now? And what is actually happening in the stock market? Is David really beating Goliath? Or does it just seem this way before David wrecks Goliath like never before? Find out why I think the market is a little fishy right now, and what I think is going to happen.

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