Crypto CONTAGION Exposed! (TRUTH Behind ICP, FTX, & Celsius)

Crypto CONTAGION Exposed! (TRUTH Behind ICP, FTX, & Celsius)

Correcting a Celsius error and discussing ICP vs FTX

Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben Today we're at the Mall of America Because as you know I am a true American I'm joined by another true American That's my guy six figs Um so just so you guys kind of Understand the role that my guy six figs Played here and uh what happened with FTX if you didn't know uh when it came To uh releasing the idea that ICP had Been shorted by uh FTX after it launched On coinbase propped up beforehand with Synthetic Perpetual Futures contracts All that information came from him he's The one that sent me all that Information initially and we started Digging into so I just wanted to we're Going to talk about Celsius here in a Minute but right now I want to take the Opportunity to have him just talk about For a second like kind of what how did This first come to uh you know how did You first come to find out about this Yeah so basically what happened was I I Started using the ICP Tech and uh it Just it was super fast it was cost Efficient and I was reading a lot of fun And things like that on ICP and I'm just Thinking to myself how could this be Possible all these uh funny articles Exist and oh yeah And so uh so basically what I did was I Started looking for any indications of Foul Play or anything like that

Surrounding the future or excuse me the Token launch because that was a lot of The fuddy articles you know that was the Point that they focused on so I ran Through all the different exchanges that Listed ICP on the day it launched and When I looked at the Perpetual future Side of things there is about six or Seven exchanges that listed perps on ICP Now five out of the six listed them the Day ICP launch and what I found Interesting was the fact that FTX had listed Perpetual Futures Trading Four days prior four days prior to the Launch of ICP and then it was like this Big short from there so that's kind of Where I ended up uh discovering the fact That ICP was creating synthetic assets And and it led me down this other Road Where we found out that they did the Same thing to like axi infinity and then Bit boy also discovered some other Instances of Foul Play with FTX yeah Exactly and that's you know this is Really what started that uh that mission For us the Rabbit Trail to try to figure Out what happened Um but what I wanted to also do like Look if you just heard it from here Everything was fought towards ICP that's Why you know I really love an underdog I Really like ICP because of what FTX did To them I'm not the only person that Loves uh ICP 660 obviously you can tell

He's big on it big on the community so Just want to take a second and let him Kind of explain like why you're bullish On uh on ICP yeah I'm I'm really bullish On ICP just simply because of the uh Capability it has to run all these dapps On chain uh fully on chained the data Costs are extremely cheap five gig five Bucks for a gigabyte of data a year I Mean the chains finality speed is Incredible it's near instant uh so those Are the type of things that make me Bullish on ICP and their their qualities That you just don't find Under One Roof At a lot of the other chains there's There's very limited amount of chains Yeah so yeah that's that's the main Reason the community's bullish uh you Know I'm bullish uh for those reasons so Yeah I think that's really great now Tell everybody where they can find you On Twitter so you can find me on Twitter At real six figs on Twitter Um that's my main bread and butter yeah Do you like bread and butter hey I like Bread and butter who doesn't all right Thanks uh now I just want to correct one Thing that I said last night uh when I Was talking about Celsius Um some of the Celsius folks I mean they Really believe that this reorg is still Happening we're gonna find out more About this on February 22nd just want to Say the part of the video last night

Where I said that the examiner called it A Ponzi like scheme that was actually a Quote I believe from one of the Employees that was included in the Report so The Examiner yourself did not Say that but I still stick with you know What I've said when you look at what was Going on with the token it doesn't look Good when you look at what was going on With customer assets and the earned Program not good so ultimately we'll see What happens Um you know a lot of people are in Agreement today that Alex is probably Going to face some music Um but how bad is it going to get for uh Celsius are there is there going to be a Major SEC action I've been told Bankruptcy attorney the bankruptcy judge Actually has more power than the SEC in This case so I'd love to check it out And uh see what happens It's pretty funny Um long story but a guy walked by and he Ducked under the camera he couldn't see The camera looking at me he's the guy uh But anyways so I did want to correct That I got that information right after I made the video so I just wanted to Make sure we have that published and Documented that that was a mistake uh But uh yeah just remember FTX they tried To root an ICP FTX they try to ruin Celsius FTX they tried to ruin you

That's why I got people at Speedway up

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