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Today I update you on our ongoing portfolio series, showing you why I’m high on tokens like Algorand and low on exchange tokens like BNB.
0:00 Intro
0:54 $25K
2:49 $10K
3:19 $1K
3:35 ISO 20022
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Foreign Video we're going to make a few moves Today I'm going to explain why right now As you guys can see we're down 12.3 Percent not really that big of a deal We're down ten thousand dollars on these Uh four portfolios that we're using I'm Not concerned at all about it because The market is down and um you know when We started this portfolio uh series we Told you at that time we were doing this To show you guys the moves we would be Making if we were running these Portfolios which we are running these Portfolios for this these are real Dollar amounts that are in here but I Said at the time there might be a better Time to jump in but we wanted to start This series so it's fine guys if you Were down only 12 on this bear Market Wouldn't you be okay with it I think it Would be at this point Um so what we're going to do is we're Going to check out our wallets here and We're gonna be making a couple changes To these uh let's start here with our 25 000 portfolio that's down to 18 467. now we have most of our Capital Deployed Um we are we have 2500 still in usdc We're gonna hold on to this for now Actually I'm gonna move a little bit of It what we're gonna do we're going to Take 500 and we're gonna move that into
Algo because I just think algo is such a Good freaking buy right now Um it's down like 95 similar to Salon it Doesn't have the problem Solana has if You have noticed Jeremy Hogan uh from The xrp Army a high power attorney over There he actually just put out Um uh Gary ginsler talking about what a Good friend uh Sylvia McCallie is from Algorand probably no chance they're Getting targeted by the SEC gives you a Little bit more confidence so let's go And move 500 into algo here's what we're Gonna do we're gonna get out of BNB why Are we gonna have BNB is because I don't Have faith in finance no it's because Exchange tokens right now are not where I believe you should have your money we Saw with the ftt debacle how fast they Can implode Um I think BNB is probably fairly safe Compared to ftt but I just think there's Going to be so much fun ftt was called a Security and a lawsuit by the SEC Against Sam Bateman freed and Caroline And FTX so because of that I think it's Just better BNB is held extremely well It's been one of our better performers In this portfolio right now before it Might start cascading I'm going to want To get out of BNB we are going to take That BNB that 600 and we are going to Put that into uh cardano into Ada Because
What a great buy Ada is right now Sitting at 24 cents so we're gonna put That 600 here into Ada it's going to Give us 1500 worth of ADA in this Portfolio we're gonna take the other 500 We're gonna put in an algo it's going to Put us at uh 2 800 total for algo Um now 10K portfolio we're not going to Really be doing anything different here Um we do have some usdc let's go ahead We don't have any algo in this uh Portfolio right now so let's actually go Ahead and take uh let's take 300 out of That 1000 and let's let's put that over To algo so we're gonna put 300 from this Portfolio and we're running really short On usdc but I'm looking at some of these Coins here and I'm saying man they're Just they seem to be good buys right now And I don't have any exposure to algo Right now in this portfolio Then we're going to move down to our 1K Portfolio I'm not going to do anything Different in this portfolio we're going To keep everything just the exact same In a 1 000 portfolio you have a very Small margin of error so we are going to Honor that and keep all that 100 that we Have in usdc here now let's talk about This let's talk about our kucoin Portfolio here uh this is a 5 000 Portfolio that is held relatively well Compared to some of the others it's only Down about 10 percent uh and we have a
Thousand dollars in usdc here now the Point of this portfolio is to keep Everything in these assets we're not Approaching this the same way that we Approach trying to keep capital for the Other three so what we're going to do Here is I'm gonna go ahead and split This one thousand dollars between algo And Ada so we're going to be increasing These both 500 and we're gonna have no Usdc in this portfolio the strategy with This portfolio is when we finally start Getting some pumps with some of these Coins like we did with algo at some Point uh earlier in the past or maybe it Was q and T I think it was q and T the Pump real big Um what we're gonna do is we're going to Be splitting those profits between other Coins Um so right now we're going to be Looking for a move and then we're going To take profits and then we're going to Reapply down to some of these that we Don't have very much into so what we're Going to be doing right now we're going To take one thousand dollars we're going To put 500 in algo and 500 and Ada and Uh we're gonna see what we can do with This portfolio so I hope you guys enjoy This series if you do make sure to smash That like button subscribe to the Channel don't forget these digital Whiteboards we have a link Down Below in
The description if you want to check These out uh d10 is the name of the Company they gave us these for free to Show off as you guys can see they are Killer so I gotta be blessed big boy out [Music] Thank you [Music]