Deleted comments, suspended accounts, suppressed ideas, shadow banned individuals and posts, and words you can’t say. All of these things have one thing in common: social media censorship. This is one of the biggest problems humanity has right now. Social Media has turned into the town square. And yet, our Social Media overlords are making it so that only the opinions they agree with matter. We even saw Reddit turn off the WallStreetBets subreddit temporarily due to hate speech. We need to have free, open, and censorship-resistant social media platforms.
Blockchain gives us the ability to achieve freedom from social censorship. The future of social media and crypto goes hand in hand. There are a few current projects that are aiming to create decentralized social media platforms. Today I will break them down. Find out which project I believe has the best chance of shaping the future of social media.
⭐️ Step 1: Sign up for ByBit Exchange
Trade with ByBit ➡️ https://BitBoyCrypto.com/Deals
⭐️ Step 2: Visit Contest Page & Sign Up (Starts 1/18/21)
ByBit Trading Competition ➡️ https://BitBoyCrypto.com/Deals (scroll to section that says “ByBit Competition”
⭐️ Step 3: Watch ByBit Tutorial Video
ByBit Tutorial ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee0g56aYJ4c
00:00 Intro
01:17 Social Media Censorship
05:09 Decentralized social media
05:56 SoMee and ONG
09:23 Hyprr and UDOO
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