How to Become a Crypto MILLIONAIRE (in One Year)! 💯 🤑 🚀

How to Become a Crypto MILLIONAIRE (in One Year)! 💯 🤑 🚀

How to Become A Millionaire in One Year | Crypto Edition

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0:00 – How to Become A Millionaire in 1 Year
0:54 – How Bitcoin made his first million
2:36 – Is it even possible to become A Millionaire in 1 Year?
5:17 – Bitboy’s #1 Best Tip
8:42 – Bitboy’s #2 Best Tip
11:42 – Bitboy’s #3 Best Tip
15:33 – Bitboy’s Final Advice

**Note: My overall opinion is that the name of the game is to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible. Alts are interesting but a lot more speculative. I use them to accumulate more Bitcoin.

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Most of my crypto portfolio is Bitcoin, then Ethereum, but I hold many cryptocurrencies, possibly ones discussed in this video.


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Took me nine years to become a millionaire in 
crypto what I like to do is kind of like educate   People and shortcut their process based on how 
many mistakes that I made it can definitely be   Done in one year if you understand what you're 
doing the number one thing that I see people do   That are newer to crypto that have been in for 
less than four years to make mistake mistake   After mistake the drains our portfolio is Ben 
Armstrong is a self-made millionaire in crypto   Author of catching up to crypto and host and 
founder of one of the biggest crypto channels   On YouTube today Ben shares his top three tips 
and tricks on how you can become a millionaire   In cryptocurrency in one year without further Ado 
bit boy crypto great to have you on the channel   Today my audience knows you cryptocurrency knows 
you some people though are going to be thinking   You know what gives bit boy the authority 
to talk about becoming a millionaire and I   Don't think they know that you started from 
the bottom and now you're here so before we   Jump into it could you take us through how you 
became successful because a lot of people don't   Know and feel free to brag a little bit yeah sure 
uh I I went from zero to a hundred kind of quick   Maybe not real quick but kind of quick uh look uh 
management Armstrong I have been this is like my   Biggest Flex right here what I'm about to say this 
is my second decade in crypto I'm now in my second   Decade of being in the world of crypto and that 
doesn't mean that I bought Bitcoin early and I got   Rich and I've been sitting on an island ever since 
uh it means that uh you know it took me nine years   It took me nine years to become a millionaire 
in crypto uh I went through a lot of mistakes   Um I I lost all my money twice in the world of 
crypto uh once through you know selling in and   Mount gox and then later on in 2017 by riding to 
the top and then going all the way back down to   The bottom in 2018. so um I've kind of done it all 
uh you know I I now am doing very well financially   And I'm able to kind of like invest technically 
I think I'm probably an accredited investor   Um by the archaic and accredited investor laws we 
have in this country um but like I'm there now but   I also was right where everybody else was you know 
just a regular guy I have a family you know got   Three kids I was living paycheck to paycheck kind 
of stumbled into this whole world and um you know   In my opinion it's kind of like doing every step 
along the way um you know the way that it probably   Should be done by a regular person what gives 
me the ability to be able to talk and connect   With people um you know but wherever you're at 
on your journey in crypto mm-hmm so you did it   In nine years do you think it's possible to do 
it in one yeah well I mean the reality is even   Though it took me nine years like it was really 
the eighth to ninth year you know they're really   Um where I made all my money and basically what 
I like to do is kind of like educate people and   Shortcut their process based on how many mistakes 
that I made because if I would have made any   Mistakes if I would have made zero mistakes um it 
would have taken me uh one year tops to become a   Millionaire in crypto if I would have taken all my 
money I was buying Bitcoin to spend on a software  

For a business I Ran So if instead of doing that 
if I'd have just bought the Bitcoin and kept it   Then I would have been a millionaire in about 
a year uh the price went from you know twelve   Dollars all the way up to uh can't remember 
where it peaked out I think I sold mine around   Three hundred dollars uh so that was about a 30 
Action where I bought it my first Bitcoin purchase   Um was 450 for 37 Bitcoin so about 12 bucks a 
piece if I just would have sat on that in the peak   Of the bull run this last time that alone would 
have been worth uh you know three million dollars   So the the point is if you fast forwarded 2017 it 
I got in I got full full time in crypto I guess   Like all in on crypto a little bit too late inside 
the Run uh in 2017 for the first half of the year   I was looking at Bitcoin like I think the price is 
going up a little bit like maybe this thing isn't   Over because I thought Mount gox killed Bitcoin 
you know in 2014 I was like ah this thing's   Over you know and I just started thinking man I 
made so many mistakes I should have got more in   But then in the back half of 2017 when the price 
started really shooting up I was like I got to   Jump all in right now if I would have if I would 
have had the education here's the important thing   People didn't understand if I would have had the 
education and understood what I was investing in   I would have been able to be a millionaire like 
five or six different years alone like just alone   Like I could have said 2016 I could have become a 
millionaire 2017. you know 2020 2012 2013 you know   Could have been so easy for me but I made it hard 
on myself because I didn't understand and also the   Educational resources weren't really available 
back then that they are now I remember in 2013   Like trying to look up what is bitcoin I was like 
who is this Japanese guy and why does he have all   These miners on his property like I didn't even 
understand it you know so I think for really uh   You know it can definitely be done in one year if 
you understand what you're doing the problem is   Too many people come in they just start throwing 
money at ticker symbols because this guy said it's   Popular and they don't really do the research 
themselves to understand like what what's the   Difference in investing in some like [ __ ] uh 
shib or Sheba and then investing in something like   Ethereum or cardano there's a drastic difference 
but people kind of look at them the same when   They're uneducated and I know everybody wants 
you know quick tips and tricks how to become a   Millionaire I think one thing everybody should 
do is follow bit boy follow altcoin daily for   The continued exposure and information because 
it's really going to come with uh more complex   Understanding so make sure you follow bit boy make 
sure you follow altcoin daily but with that being   Said Benjamin let's get practical let's get doable 
what what tips and tricks do you have for somebody   Who wants who's hungry yeah well number one like 
I said get education like we'll just that's just   A standard you got to do number two you know 
it's very simple yet it defies the logic of   The psychology that goes into a market Buy in the 
red sell in the green and it's amazing no matter   How many times I hear that myself so we have a 
weekly portfolio video we do every Friday where  

We have some sample portfolios a one thousand five 
thousand ten thousand twenty five thousand dollar   Sample portfolio we have real money in them but 
they're really just for our audience to kind of   Track along and see you know if they want to mimic 
those strategies they can of course they're not   Financial advice uh or if they want to take the 
strategies that we use and kind of just kind of   You know build their own strategy around it that's 
good but one thing that's really interesting is   Just maybe about six weeks ago I was in Boston for 
our our catching up to crypto book tour and I was   At crypto lifers house he's another YouTuber when 
I'm out of town like sometimes I like to go stream   With some other people and so I went to his house 
and I did my portfolio video that Friday from his   House and it was the day that Bitcoin was like 
rocketing like stuff was flying up like ICP was   Killing it optimism was killing it like all these 
all coins were just killing it Bitcoin was like   Right about 25 000 it was doing great and man it 
felt good for the first time since we built these   Strategies or these uh others back in August 
they were all in the green and I was like man   This is great we are crushing it feels good let's 
wait to do something next week and then the next   Week comes around and I said you know when I was 
feeling good that's when we should have sold like   When I was feeling good about where the portfolio 
was that's when I should have said all right let's   Take profits so two weeks later what happens is 
same thing a bunch of projects fly up in price and   I say you know what even though it feels like this 
pump is going to continue here we're going to take   Profits on a lot of our coins like ICP was one 
that like I think we were up two or three times   On our money and so like we sold 25 of that out of 
our portfolio and we bought filecoin and we bought   Uh I believe we bought conflux with it conflux is 
up 100 since we bought it so it's this constant   Game of like kind of Lily padding like jumping 
from this game to this coin that's in the red   And then when you get back in the gains jumping 
back and doing it all again I think that's really   Really a good strategy for people it's the only 
way that you're going to take a defined amount of   Money and turn it into the maximum amount if 
you just didn't hold you're gonna make money   In crypto history you've shown that over time if 
you're in a crypt over more than four years you're   Gonna do well that's what the stats show not 
guaranteed to continue in the future but that's   The history so with all that being said you know 
you can't hold or huddle as we say but if you're   Selling in the green and you're buying in the red 
all the way through the cycle uh that's when in   My opinion you're gonna have the optimum chance 
for a success to become a millionaire it sounds   Simple but like you said human psychology a lot of 
people you know Miss Miss that simple thing and it   Is hard to do because obviously it's hard for us 
yeah it's hard for us to do even though we know it   You know yeah for sure um something else Ben is 
or I have a specific thing but is there another   Practical doable oh sure sure um here here's 
another good strategy in my opinion the the   To really gain money to become a millionaire you 
really have to you got to have some good picks you  

Got to have probably depends on how much you start 
with you start with a hundred thousand you should   Be able to get there you start with ten thousand 
you're gonna have to have some stuff kind of fall   And break your way throughout the run where you're 
gonna have to have like a coin like Solana not not   A great way to put money in now I think but you 
know we were talking about Solana when it was a   Dollar when all the way up to 250. we're cardano 
we were talking about when it was two cents it   Went all the way up to three dollars like those 
are easy wins that are gonna be able to crush your   Portfolio but one of one thing people have to keep 
in mind when you're trying to become a millionaire   Is not necessarily how are you adding but how are 
you preventing your losses because that's really   Big the number one thing that I see people do that 
are newer to crypto that have been in for less   Than four years that make mistake mistake after 
mistake the drains our portfolio is thinking to   Yourself ah I'm just going to move over to Stables 
right now right like oh bitcoin's dropping I'm   Gonna move over to Stables I'm gonna move over 
to usdc and then Bitcoin will continue to drop   And then I'll put the money in down the road well 
it's a bear Market strategy that's a good strategy   If you once again sell Bitcoin in the green at 
the top of a market or or within 20 to 30 percent   Of the top over to stables and you ride it all 
the way down then you can really enhance your   Bitcoin Holdings I'm talking about more on the 
micro level to where like oh you know this big   Thing happened in in China where they talked about 
a Bitcoin man uh ban let's go ahead and sell over   To Stables by the time the news hits the market a 
lot of times and people are starting to get that   Idea of like oh it's gonna go down a lot like 
I need to move over to Stables that's the best   Way to lose that's the best way to lose I've seen 
it over I I've done this mistake you know several   Several years ago 2017 2018 I made this mistake 
all the time last Market I really didn't do this   Um because I learned this lesson what will happen 
is is let's say the price of Bitcoins at forty   Thousand dollars and you see oh there's this huge 
bad news coming out about this ETF or about China   Like let me go ahead and take this Bitcoin and 
move it over to stables at forty thousand dollars   And you're hoping the price goes down to 30 or 35 
and you're able to buy back in what happens is the   News is like a delayed indicator a lot of times 
it's already been moving that direction because   Some people some of the big players probably knew 
that stuff was already baked in and what happens   Is you end up moving Stables on bitcoin over 
at forty thousand dollars and the price goes   To 50. instead of making money on the price of 
Bitcoin moving you've just lost 20 of your Bitcoin   Holdings with the same amount so I would say like 
to me those are two principles that like I really   Think people have got to take in number one is 
buying the great or buying the red selling the   Green number two be very careful moving your 
money over to Stables thinking you're smarter   Than the rest of the market I like it and if you 
guys appreciate us having the real conversations   Smash the like button I'll say it uh this is what 
I'm wondering Ben and I don't know the answer to  

This but I'm wondering your take on it does your 
strategy change in the beginning versus when you   Get closer to the million Mark like is there 
a difference in what you're doing in the very   Beginning versus when you're when you're getting 
close to a million or is it exactly the same   Uh that's a great question I I don't think you 
look being a millionaire is cool like I can't   Front like I'm not gonna Flex on y'all and be 
like oh man like I wish I was a you know a 70   000 error like no like I like being a millionaire 
multi-millionaires it's nice like it feels good   It's years and years of validation and work 
um or years and years of work validated that   Got me here and so there's a lot of cool stuff 
about it however the difference between having   Nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars and 
one million and fifty thousand dollars is not   That dramatically different right so to me if once 
you get towards the million dollar Mark if you're   Changing your strategy you're not really doing 
it right you should always be looking to maximize   Your wins and minimize your losses I think 
in the world of Bitcoin it's very interesting   Um because the way that the Cycles work right 
like generally what we should be looking at and   You know the bear Market is beared it out no 
pun intended is one year of down action which   Is last year one years of kind of slight upward 
sideways action which is this year and and then   Next year about halfway through the year we 
should finally start seeing things you know   Go parabolic in 2025 the price of Bitcoin should 
be really really really high you're you need to be   Operating against that timeline you don't need 
to be operating against where your money is at   That moment if you're sending 200 000 and we're 
halfway through 2025 you're probably not going   To get to a million at that point just with the 
way that the time wise the the Cycles uh work out   You just have to know the the more important part 
is where you're putting your money in during the   Different parts of the cycle like that does change 
right so right now we're just getting into Quarter   Two and quarter three um of this year I was told 
by some big Venture Capital uh hedge fund guys   The quarter two and quarter three is when you 
can look to make your best altcoin investments   Um this is when you're looking for like okay we 
know cardano is going to win we know xrp is going   To win as long as they win the case so we know 
ethereum's going up tokenomics are phenomenal we   Know Bitcoin is going to go up like we know we 
generally know those about the top coins right   So I've been really encouraging people over 
the last year to really be stacking up those   Top coins build build now it's time to start 
looking a little further down coin market cap   And looking at some of the niches that will 
have some big Winners so Layer Two right we   Know arbitrum we know optimism we know 
polygon they're going to do really well   Um you know you look at some of the AI Niche you 
look at Singularity agix you look at uh some of   These other coins that uh you know fetch dot AI 
maybe GRT there's some really good ones over there   As well and so you start looking a little bit 
further down in those niches and maybe find some  

Coins that you haven't necessarily heard of that 
you can do research on and find some other winners   In those niches this is the time to start doing 
that quarter two and quarter three of this year   Um so I think it's really your strategy should 
change based on where you're at in the cycle not   Based on how much money you have you know like I 
I think I had a million dollars in my portfolio   For the first time on New Year's Eve of 2020. 
so it was it was really cool like I saw plenty   Of the Run left too you know we had almost all of 
2021 to really get up there and it happened quick   Like it went it was only about three months that 
I turned you know I was probably sitting around I   Bought a house and I think I was probably around 
150 000 in crypto at that time and within three   Months at 150 turned into uh turned into 
a million so you just got to understand   Where you're at in the cycle and you have to 
understand when to take profits in the cycle   When to accumulate in the cycle and then what kind 
of coins to accumulate based on where you're at   I appreciate you coming on I think this has been 
great I know the audience wants more and we'll   Give them more but at a future date so make sure 
you subscribe my final thing I guess Ben is just   You know final thoughts last piece of advice 
is there one more thing or just general final   Thoughts what's going on with you for the altcoin 
daily audience yeah I mean the world of crypto is   Crazy there's a lot of interesting stuff that 
happens uh on a daily basis and um right now   The thing that we're all looking at is these 
Bank runs and the insolvency of Banks and and I   Think that really when you're looking at trying to 
become a millionaire like that's great right like   Everybody kind of in their heart like wants to 
be at a place where you're doing well financially   Um you know unless you're you know somebody that 
just wants to not have any money which there's   Some certain people out there like that but when 
it comes to the banks and the insolvencies this is   Where you really start to see that crypto is about 
more than just making the money you know it really   Is about protecting yourself and protecting your 
family for the future and when you realize like oh   Yeah all banks are insolvent and that's actually 
their business plan you can learn how to start   Opting out of this system one thing I've gone 
through a signature bank was my bank actually   Uh they're one of the only banks that would make 
me um because of uh you know different dealings   With crypto uh you know coinbase wire and in 2020 
to buy a house is actually what uh BB T used to   Close my bank accounts and so I've been looking 
for a way to kind of opt out of the banking system   And I think with the last a couple of weeks have 
shown is that crypto is great you can make money   With crypto but it's about more than that and 
it's about can you actually make the move and   Opt yourself out of an archaic broken system and 
that's when I'm on the on the uh you know the   Course to do right now so I'm not getting a new 
bank account I I'm you know when signature close   My account it's done and I'm gonna be learning how 
to live crypto only so really suggest everybody   Else like if that's not your plan that's fine 
but really I encourage everybody when it comes  

To education not don't just get educated about 
crypto and how to make money get educated on   What this whole thing really stands for and uh 
why so many of us so passionately believe in it

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