Last Time Altcoins PUMPED Like This Crypto Bottomed! | Bitcoin Bear Market Rally?

Last Time Altcoins PUMPED Like This Crypto Bottomed! | Bitcoin Bear Market Rally?

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All coins have been popping off over the Last 24 hours 5 10 even up to 15 and Over the course of the last week this First week into 2023 some of these old Coins have done 30 in the case of Solana 60 from their current cycle lows and so Is now the time to be investing longer Term into all coins or do we still have Far more time left what we've seen in History is these are the times that People lose the most money so if you can Avoid these traps right now in the Market you're going to be here for that Next Bull Run that next altcoin bull Market season where the fastest gains Are made not the riskiest gains so let's Dive into that in today's video make Sure you do like and subscribe to the Channel Bell notification icon if you Want to wait to see what the value is in The video by all means I'll just remind You throughout the video as well today We're going to be looking at Bitcoin the Total cryptocurrency market caps eth Ada And some of the other major Cryptocurrencies as well to to give us An idea of the macro time frames are we Seeing those lows form now should we Expect further downsides that's what I'll look at there's other two major Differences we need to look at today as Well understand one longer term swing Traders essentially what people call Investors and essentially they are

Traders if you're buying something and Looking to sell it in the future whether That's a week from now or a year from Now or maybe even three or five years From now you're still a Trader You're Basically trading your dollars for Something else selling that thing in the Future to make those dollars back so That is a Trader not an investor and you Can also be a short-term Trader as well Minutes hours days whatever that may be So there is still two options here in Terms of the timing as a Trader but a Lot of people refer to the longer term One as an investor even the short term But essentially you're all Traders once We understand that it makes life a hell Of a lot easier to get through the Charts to understand where those Confirmation levels are in terms of what Time frame we're looking at so we need To look at Bitcoin the total market caps And of course uh those old coins as well Now these are very common thought Processes that happen for all Traders Myself included they never go away this Sort of thing is around the market moves To the upside back to the downside and Then the Mind Games that go on when we Start to see rallies in the market so we Need to really have a clear idea of what Time frame we're looking at otherwise we Get badly burnt in the markets which We'll have a look at in the charts today

And it happens every single time once we Start to see these pumps to the upside People majority people get burnt that's The way it is in the market because we Just have to learn to manage our Emotions and to manage the emotions you Need to have a written plan essentially The Motions are the market starts to Move up we're used to a particular price Like we saw with Bitcoin at around 16k And then all of a sudden says seventeen Thousand two hundred nearly back at the Low that it was in that it was at in June of 2022 so it's essentially been Trading around a very similar price Range when we take the tops and the Bottoms out For the last six to seven months so the Market is too high now because we've got Used to a price we're going to wait for The price to come back uh it does come Back and then we say oh it's going lower We're waiting for the lower and lower Price and this is what happens when you Start to get that mindset of Bitcoins Going to ten thousand dollars I do Discuss that a lot because it is a very Big uh barrier for a lot of new Investors saying that it should go to 10K or it should go to 8K or 9k because They heard it from another Investor or Trader out there the Critical thing is to have your own ideas And to work out your own plans from that

Point where we think the market is going Lower what happens next it starts to Turn around and pull away similar to Potentially what's happening with Bitcoin it's not a very small scale you Know is it 15 400 a few weeks ago and Now we see it at 17 200 waiting on the Pullback that doesn't come Market keeps Going up Market's too high waiting until Things settle down so it starts to pull Back and then we're going to wait until Things settle down I hear that all the Time and you see it in the comments Sections of many many videos things are A little bit turbulent I don't know Whether we're going to get a recession This year what's happening with the FED What's happening with interest rates and Inflation we've never been through these Environments Bitcoin this it hasn't been Through a bear Market from the US you Name it people wait to see how things Settle down but if you wait for things To settle down and they go up then you Basically stuck again saying I'm going To wait for the pullback the money is Usually made in the confusion it's made In the confusion at the top and the Confusion at the bottom the confusion at The bottom is basically around I think Things are going to go much lower if They go a little bit lower who cares You're not trying to catch the exact Bottom and then the confusion or the

Money is made at the top with the other Confusion thinking that prices have to Go a lot higher when in fact the chart Is showing that they're not going to go Much higher at all if in fact they have Already topped so now we get to the Point of markets are too high we just Don't want to buy and just wait on the Sidelines until things start to pump up The flip side to this is We Buy in at Those tops because you can't believe That the market is actually at these Levels and you're going to miss out Which is similar to what happens in the Wall Street cheat sheet here where you Have this uh the belief and the thrill And the market just keeps going I'm not Going to be able to afford a Bitcoin at Fifty thousand dollars again and then of Course you know here we are at 15 to 17 000 and so that whole psychology of the Market rinses and repeats so bring that Up at the beginning because we've seen Such big gains from some of these old Coins over the last seven days I've Talked a lot about Solana give me that Tally Down Below in the comments section Of how many times I've mentioned I sold Solana at 160 on that way up because Called all sorts of names which is Pretty much why I continue to bring it Up because I was stupid this at the Other it's going to go to 500 or a Thousand I want to sell out when things

Are going crazy now Salon is down at 16 So a 90 drop from that point But even just last week or a couple of Weeks ago was it uh eight dollars and This thing has just moved up so again Breaking up those two different types of Traders you have short term which there Is fantastic opportunity at the moment For short-term Traders think of them the Minutes the hours the days there are Some fantastic opportunities if you want To stay closer or up more up to date With shorter term trading go and check Out my brother's Channel Michael pazzino I'll leave a link in the video Description for that he focuses Primarily on the short-term trades of The cryptocurrency markets a Trader of Over 12 years in Commodities and stock Market so leverage trading that's been His game go and check the video out uh So his channel out in the description Down below if you want to learn more About that short-term trading I like to Focus on the bigger term cycles and That's what we look at in terms of the Macro confirmation for uh altcoins in General And so we've had those bigger moves here People potentially feel like they've Missed the boat uh you know they could Have got an eight dollar Solana now it's At 16 so they start to jump on the Bandwagon here uh not only to see

Possibly the next few months the markets Start to fall back and that's exactly What we've seen time and time again when We take a look at the total Cryptocurrency market caps but it's best Shown here in the Bitcoin chart as we Have uh so much more data for for BTC And it's the same sort of thing that Happens time and time again it's that Catching of the falling knife there are Plenty of times in every single bear Market to try and catch that falling Knife before you see a pump up falling Knife pump up falling knife and then Eventually you get that accumulation Period same sort of thing happened in The previous cycle the drop you bind That dip you're getting screwed again You're buying the dip and then the Market falls into a final capitulation Zone and this is the area that I think We're potentially in uh similar to what Happened in 2018 or December 2018 and Early 2019. you can see the timing is Working out pretty well we've got uh an Exacto pretty much on exact time frame Here of about a year from the top to the Bottom and should this go a little bit Further and we just sink into a another Low because they're not trying to call The exact low here but the the chart is Definitely looking like we are bouncing Around at the bottom and continuing to Form that base maybe we fall into

Something like what happened in 2014 and 2015 where we had that low of 411 days From the top and then to that second Load was about 631 days so that puts us Right out into 2024 with the possibility Of this uh the low in November being That first low before we see another low So this as well what happened in 2019 so 2019 we had the low form in December Then we had the pump up for six months And then we had another six months down A little pump Covered Black Swan event happened and Then the market takes off from that Point there were several opportunities Through here as well but in terms of the Timing aspect what we've seen in the Past we could be in for this next major Move to the upside which I think is Fantastic trading opportunities but you Won't see the confirmation for the macro Until the monthly swing tops are broken You can see that on every single Previous cycle all these monthly swing Tops they're finally broken towards the End of the accumulation in 2015 and at The beginning or nearly towards the end Of that particular small accumulation in 2019 before that first pump happens and So if that is the case the areas that We're looking for in a break looking Specifically at the swing chart here Which you can find in the video Description so the link is at the top

Here Tia again swing indicator this Gives you fantastic support and Resistance levels and major pivot levels In the market that show signs of Strength and weakness and essentially The probability that the market won't See further downside for the current Price ranges that level on bitcoin is Around 25 200 and there is a second Point now at around twenty one thousand Twenty one and a half thousand as well So if we start to get a move up and a Break of that 21 to 25k level we'll Probably see another low but there's Just more possibility the probability Start to swing on the side of a higher Low forming rather than a weaker move And a lower low forming so any of these Levels here ideally the 25 200 level Getting broken You could probably Kiss your ten thousand dollar BTC Goodbye and I'd probably say even above That 21 000 level which is this swing just Before the market dumped on the FTX news That's pretty much where I'm getting the Uh kiss you 10K Bitcoin good buy because The major levels here like we've seen in The past once those areas are broken you Can see all those swing tops were lower Until they weren't that was the breakout That was the pump up potentially what We're about to move into now in 2023

That was the signal that the macro had Broken and we're basically in the Process now of finding higher lows and Getting ready for that next bull market In terms of timing it can still be many Many weeks and months away in the past We know that we've gone December so this Is December 18 to December 19. that's Your 12 months and you've got a higher Low in that point so if we count forward 12 months from here in November then We're going to look somewhere at the end Of this year and in previous videos We've definitely looked at a higher low Forming into November or at least the Price of November where November closed In 2022 it's going to be higher in November of 2023 so history has proven That each of the times that we get these Major breaks of the downtrend we do go On some sort of move to the upside Something that is pretty significant for A lot of investors we can see back here As well even this move just out of the Low that was about we know the low is About a hundred and fifty dollars tops Were there were about three hundred Dollars now you can't see it on the side Here but essentially that was the move Back in 2015. so it gives a great Trading range opportunity but what tends To happen is investors get caught out Buying these tops again based on the Psychology of missing out thinking that

The low is in you're foolish you should Have got into that before everyone else And then you start to see the market Fall back over the the following weeks And months small pumps and then you get A potential dump again it happened but The covert dump it happened in 2015 as Well we don't know where that low is Going to form but this is how people Lose money every single time these Markets go on particularly good range Trading opportunities trying to catch That bottom trying to catch that next Top before the market potentially Skyrockets the main thing is it will Probably not happen at these lows Especially when you've got all coins That will not make it into that next Cycle that's what I look at in the next Couple of charts here this is the total Cryptocurrency market cap these are the Areas that we've been following for Capitulation zones basically bottoms to Be forming with the total market cap This includes everything out there Stable coins Bitcoin eth altcoins we've Touched into the final capitulation Zone And in terms of the uh the downside here The previous cycle was 88 down from top To bottom currently we're at 76 down if You take off the stable coins of about 140 billion so that would be 140 off 800 Gives us about 660. so 660 puts us in Around just above halfway in this zone

So that's a reasonable good area for a Low we could go a little bit lower but Remember this does also include Bitcoin And eth so this may be a good area for a Low somewhere within this zone of about 500 to the current levels about 700 Billion market cap for the total so the Warning with old coins is that many of Them are just not going to make it There's 20 000 of them why is anyone More special than the other and why not Any new altcoins stuff that might have To do with AI which is potentially the Next big narrative that's being pushed Out in Tech space in the media it's Probably going to be a new narrative That's what's happened every single Cycle before that and if you've only Been through one cycle go back and Research the other Cycles it happens Every single time there'll be a new Narrative and so it's very difficult to Want to hold in my opinion hold those Old altcoins which have been through a Cycle and have had their hopes and Dreams crushed when there could be new Hopes and dreams being built right now a Lot of new marketing coming out and so When we look at the total cryptocurrency Market cap excluding Bitcoin excluding Eth there's still no confirmation that We're about to go through an Accumulation period like we've seen in The past the timing is all pretty

Similar to the the Bitcoin cycle and the Other total cryptocurrency market cap in Terms of the low we also see the Breakout and big ranges to trade here so You can see from the low to the top that Was about a 250 percent range within all Coins and so some of the potentially Dead all coins will be fantastic trading Opportunities remember that short-term Uh trading opportunity here trading for More or USD or maybe more Bitcoin or eth Or your favorite altcoin but in terms of The longer term signals for the macro There's still nothing confirming here That it's about to break out and those Levels are going to be at least a Consolidation above around 320 billion Dollars which is the previous low in June and ideally above the bear market Downtrend and also the lows that were Set in July and June so that was the Bear Market low so somewhere around that 400 billion dollars now to the downside Is this the final low for all coins well The previous low was about 92 percent Down so the top to the bottom the Previous cycle that is 92 percent would Set us somewhere out at around 80 Billion dollars we're currently at 316 With a current low of about 280 billion We know that stable coins are 140 so it Was essentially 50 of this market cap so We're just trying to find in terms of a Price if that was a low at 280 minus the

140 stable coins because we know in the Past Cycles there weren't that many Stable coins in the game that sets sat At 140 billion dollar low so that low Currently is right well within the Zone Here as wicked down to these highs Before the market broke out and that Puts us in a pretty good price range Along with the time range for this being A potential low if we minus off the Stable coins as well as for timing this Is looking reasonably good now the main Thing that we've looked at is is it a Macro time do we get caught up in the Hype cycle like I looked at earlier in The video looking at the psychology of Traders and investors and going through The same sort of Wall Street cheat sheet That psychology of a market cycle when We look at where we currently sit there Is the possibility of many many months Ahead of great trading opportunities Lows to highs you can see these were 255 Percent they lasted six to seven months To the upside you could do some shorting Opportunities here of another 27 odd Week so another six months to the Downside side and so the volatility does Look very very good over this period of Time should we break out of key Resistance levels first being around That 320 billion dollar market cap level So that's that top that was set before The market broke down and that was that

June uh the June low of 2020 as well we Could be at a significant cycle low in All coins but we still don't have that Confirmation yet on the likes of ADA Solana Matic any of these major Cryptocurrencies I will show you here That cadana is looking much much weaker Same deal with Solana compared to Matic Which is actually holding up above its June low so there's more potential here With Matic over Solana and Ada just Based purely on the charts in the case Of ADA it is in this final capitulation Zone that we've pointed out many many Months ago just looking back on the Chart here there is a possibility to Overshoot the 16 cents but at the end of The day this is still looking like a Downtrend you still see all of the lows Get getting lower and the highs also Getting lower as well case of Solana Great trading opportunities and there's Usually better of trading opportunities In all coins that have been absolutely Slaughtered so Solana has been Slaughtered to the downside you need to Have pretty big bounces back to the Upside but unless it gets over 26 Dollars this is probably going to be a Good Traders market and we could Potentially see further downside unless It is able to get above 26 or at the Very worst consolidate above 12 Basically that price range before it

Broke down in the case of Matic still Holding around that 86 cents you Definitely want to see this thing back Above any of these previous monthly Closes here at around that 93 or so Since and of course the dollar level is At psychological level so still waiting On some macro stuff for the old coins Every single time in history that you See these pumps whether it's Solana Whether it's something new whether it's Something old you often get the big pump Up like you saw here and then that Monthly drop to the downside where Investors continue to take profits and Wait to see where that next load comes In so that is the key level where this Next low comes in and in terms of timing We've gone through that as well probably Within the next sort of 12 to 15 ish Months we should get a rough idea of Where that next low is is it going to be A strong crypto or a weak crypto Depending on where that potential low Comes in if in fact this is the current Low for the cycle which is potentially Turning out to be for this crypto total Cryptocurrency market cap but of course Each individual altcoin it will need to Be treated individually they could be Much much weaker and of course we also Have the Bitcoin chart to play with as Well in future videos but for now that Is a ton of information there huge old

Coin update in terms of the cycle on all Coins make sure you do like and Subscribe stay tuned to the channel Check out the videos popping up on your Left hand side here and if you want to Trade small coins stay safe out there Channel sponsors letting you know buy Bit and get huge sign up bonuses Still In This Bear Market of course if you do Want to trade you know the deal this is A business for you and if you don't want To trade don't worry go and do something Else with your time but don't forget to Stay with the markets in your own way I Hope you guys found a ton of value from It I'll see you at the next videos until Then take care and peace out

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