You may not have heard of Liechtenstein, but this small nation has a big impact on the world of banking and crypto. Despite not having trade relations with the United States and not being part of the EU, Liechtenstein has a thriving economy and the highest GDP per capita in the world. Learn about how Liechtenstein Crypto Exchange (LCX) was established after the passage of the crypto-friendly Blockchain Act and how they’re leading the way in tokenization exchanges.
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Lichtenstein has been around since the Year 1140. he's laying locked on all Sides somehow it's become a center for Banking and it's Uber powerful it has More companies inside its borders Than people it's so shady it doesn't Even have trade relations with the United States and it isn't part of the EU and yet it has economic relations With EU powerhouses like Germany and Switzerland it's got the highest GDP per Capita in the world Liechtenstein crypto Exchange or lcx was made after the Blockchain Act was put into law massari Well they consider the blockchain ACT to Be extremely crypto friendly see back in 2018 lcx knew that crypto was the future Of Finance so they latched on to Tokenization exchanges and they didn't Look back