In today’s stream highlights crypto bubbles, Gary gets grilled, ETH gas surges, and more.
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Uh now we have a big huge move from Tether going back to the Charter up Point zero two percent which is more Than what your bank is paying you to Keep money in your savings account so Let that sink in [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Let's let's take a look at at the crypto Bubbles so this is a nice visual of What's been pumping so over the last day As you can see we are in the Red Sea Everything is in the red except For snx and I believe when I looked at It before I refreshed it uh ftt was up And you can see here what did ftt arrest Is the on the week this is on the weekly Ftt is up 5 51 percent 51 I did mention at the top of the show We have some FTX news and once we go Over the news it might start to make Sense why it's pumping but some of the Other big leaders we have xrd arbitrum Up 33.2 percent injective protocol up 30 That thing was a monster I believe it Was arbitrum and Casper's in there yeah I believe it was AJ uh from bit boy who Talked about injective I might be wrong But watch out for Casper uh I don't know Too much on the details as far as the Road map they had a big Ico but Casper Has a monster Community uh they are
Super vocal for where they're at on the Coin market cap list I think they're Outside the top 50 uh either way they Have a ton of community uh so you can See with a big Community you can get big Rallies uh out of nowhere there so one Last quick question I think it might Have came up you were Hillary Clinton's Uh CFO on the campaign right It's part of my history were you yes or No In 2016. did you facilitate the payment For the steel dossier since you were CFO Of the Hillary Clinton campaign Sir yes or no sir yes or no That that was that was not you're under Oath chairman Gensler yes I know I was Not something I was aware of got him So uh this was not strictly Your cryptocurrency Uh so he threw him a curveball and Obviously Gary gunzler has a history When it comes to the email situation With Hillary Clinton in the past and Well they uh they threw a curveball so He dodged that question do you know how Do the people that have the hearing when Gary genzer got you know appointed by Joe Biden there's a hearing and Congress Has to say yes and so you put these People in place how do you take the oh I Didn't know like you were the CFO of the Campaign If Amelia if I hire a CEO for Sin City
Crypto and a million dollars leaves my Bank account I am gonna walk up and be Like what was this and if you don't know You're fired That's all I'm saying I actually at MIT Taught a course called blockchain and Money I taught Court multiple courses Called crypto finance and other other Courses but you didn't own any crypto You talked you taught the course but you Weren't a user in the product I did not own crypto assets or highly Sub asset no I'm not asking for for your For your view on I'm just saying that You're you're you're in the business now Of making rules and regulations Regarding digital assets but you have You've taught a class on it you've never Personally owned a digital asset any Crypto including including Bitcoin the Only digital assets I have is my bank Account and my brokerage accounts but no Crypto am I the only one here that finds It extremely hard to believe that A professor for MIT the leading Technology University that the professor Teaching a blockchain course has never Purchased a single crypto dude there's Or or Bitcoin there's tons of professors That teach business entrepreneurship That have never owned a business that's Like saying I am T I'm teaching I'm Teaching a course on being a chef and I've never cooked food like
Uh it's very very sauce to me and so I'm In the camp I I believe that Mark this Mark this day uh the Congressional hearing as the moment the The nail in the coffin what got Gary Gensler house did from his position uh Because we know what's on the blockchain Is immutable and they're forever and Stamped Into The Ledger and if there was One transaction by Gary gunzer where he Decided to purchase crypto and if you're Teaching a damn class at MIT on how to How to operate you know how how crypto Operates how it integrates into Finance Blockchain technology he didn't teach This one course he told taught multiple Courses And yet you're sitting here trying to to Preach that you you the preach crypto Technology He bought crypto so you're saying he Committed perjury that's in front of Congress yes I I think I think we're Gonna look back based off of your Inkling that there's no way you're Teaching a class at MIT on blockchain Technology the we're not talking about a Community college here we're talking About MIT the professor there teaching Blockchain technology has never Purchased crypto I find it extremely Hard to believe Foreign
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] We're seeing the M2 money supply start To decrease and we haven't seen that in A very long time last time that happened We went into a depression into a Depression let that sink in go ahead Well if you do keeping increasing the Interest rate and the system were to Break as we had mentioned where the Banking the banking infrastructure Collapses it doesn't have to happen here In the States this could happen Internationally and then spill over to The United States and if that were to Happen we saw where the money went when The svb bank and the in the banking Fiasco started just last month we saw That giant rally in in Bitcoin it was a One for one svb went under money left Went straight into Bitcoin out of this Out of the fears of uncertainty uh What's gonna happen with your finances And your purchasing power your savings Account and you know what Bitcoin was Built for this it came out of the ashes In 2008 that's when the white paper was Written and it's no surprise that it had A pump at the same time that the banks Went under and so if they keep Ratcheting up these interest rates and
Something were to break fundamentally When it comes to the banking system uh I Would expect a gigantic rally and Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but Particularly Bitcoin so yeah so word by Bitcoin let's move on ethereum fees Spike as Bots spend Millions to Front-run punters of Highly touted Pepe And chat coins an entity connected to a Wallet named Jared from Subway I hope so we forgot about it's been like What 15 20 years since this clown was Anyways Um name Jerry from Subway is sandwiching Crypto Traders mainly those betting on Tokens such as Pepe and Chad uh sandwich Bots are front-running punters of newly Issued tokens such as Pepe and Chad Which are meme coins with no intrinsic Value they had to put that in there Thanks coindesk a sandwich attack which Traps a user's transaction between two Transactions which is then further Manipulated to gain profits this is done By front running the victims trade by Buying the same asset and then selling Tokens to the victim in the same trade Has slightly higher prices Sandwich attackers aren't typically a Form of exploit but are looked upon in Crypto circles the type of predatory Behavior which skims value from users Leads to a spike in gas fees and doesn't Benefit either the network or the user
Uh let me let me let me tell you guys Something where we're talking about the Current Administration this happens Every single day in the traditional Stock market via high frequency trading You have Bots that come in and you go to Buy Apple stock for 205.10 they scoop it Up at 205.10 and next thing you know you Bought it at 205 and 12 cents now that Might not seem like a lot of money two Pennies but multiply that by millions And that is what's happening but in the Crypto space but I can only imagine if This news story hit the desk of let's Say Gary genzer this is what I'm talking About there's fraud everywhere except It's literally happening in his Background Donald Trump's second nft Collection sells out within hours Uh this is Source from amb crypto so if You remember Donald Trump already had One well now he's got two because one Wasn't enough former U.S president Donald J Trump second nft collection has Sold out in record time the Trump theme Series 2 of the Trump digital trading Cards which were released on 18th of April which is yesterday raked in Millions of dollars for the former President He also He's been so he's been away from every Social media outside of his own truth Social okay but he did return to
Instagram after more than two years to Promote the launch of his new digital Trading card collection Trump is back oh And look at this all tokens are to be Minted on polygon I wonder why they Chose that and not something like Solana Or Cardona or anyone else Okay the nft sold out within six hours Bringing in 4.6 million dollars here is What Donald Trump wrote on four people Buying them all here is what Donald Trump wrote on Instagram I hope everyone Notices and I'm sure the fake news won't They don't know even the price I gotta Read ride I hope everyone notices come On you can do this you can do it do your Trump voice on this one I hope everyone Notices I'm sure the fake news won't That I'm leaving the price of trading Cards the same as last time even though They are selling for many times more It's called the market and so that Almost immediately it was great it was Great because I wrote at once and Supporters to make money and have fun Doing it you sound like a 35 year old Stewie it was huge I do I Stewie was my Favorite on that was good though [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]