The crypto and blockchain world is changing in front of our very eyes. There is a reason that projects like Avalanche, Cardano, & Polkadot are destroying the markets right now. With each passing day, the flaws of Ethereum come more to the surface. This is creating a high level of speculation when it comes to the next “Ethereum Killer” as they say. But nothing will kill Ethereum. The Bitcoin Maxis have been trying for years. The rise and popularity of Ethereum ironically is opening up the floodgates for other smart contract platforms and ecosystems to gain traction. Today I’m going to explain to you how this came to be and how Polkadot is going to take the entire crypto space to a new level. And then I’m going to give you a Dot price prediction.
0:00- Intro
1:24- Polkadot
2:38- “The Ethereum Killer”
3:34- Mike Tyson analogy
4:58- Polkadot’s Piece of the Pie
5:55- Backwards Compatibility
8:00- Biggest Opportunities in DEFI
9:12- Outro
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