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Hey guys welcome to bitboy crypto it's Me Ben it's me Aaron and AJ we're here In New York City right outside of Nova Wolf digital we're gonna go see if They'll talk to us but that's not why We're here today today we're gonna be Talking about our portfolio uh and look Everything's down today everything's Massively in the red that's my guy back There What's up That's it that's it so so uh the thing Is is everything's down today because Obviously Bitcoin is taking a pretty big Fall so we want to be thinking about Upside optimism is a coin that we really Believe in and we think optimism is Probably going to continue to run However because optimism and just a Brief overview of our portfolio right Now it was up eight thousand dollars Last week because of the the Bitcoin dip Today we're only up about six thousand Dollars in the portfolio right now so we Had about a 25 decrease in our profit But what we're going to do now is we Want to take a coin that's down big Which is file coins down like over eight Percent today I believe and optimism's Up today and it's up for the week Massively so even though we think Optimism can probably run a little bit Further um because of this coinbase news What we're actually going to be doing
Is gonna be taking 800 out of optimism In the 25k portfolio and we're gonna add That to filecoin Um so that's going to give us about 1100 Worth of file coin right now I don't Know how many coins that is but I think Overall that's going to be a good move For us uh in the portfolio so Um we've got a lot of stuff to do today And so we're gonna we're gonna get to it So obviously I didn't want to you know Take two hours and do this video because We've got a lot a lot of people we got To go try to interview you gotta go try To hit up Noble digital then we're gonna Go try to get Club out Keith Um so this is generally a principle Though I do just want to say is remember AJ was talking about AJ you said the Daily chart looks pretty good right for Optimism yeah yeah I think optimism Could keep running like if we sell it Today I understand because it's Definitely going to come down it was Like maybe a double time a lower Sometimes I think it's definitely going To come down but a week and you look at It and it's at 3 40 350. that wouldn't Surprise me at all yeah but also I'm Looking at agix right now because of the Beta with cardano for staking and hbar Has been looking pretty good too yeah he Likes H bar so uh yeah we like ajax's Agix we're going to be having uh Ben uh
Gertzel on the channel soon to talk About that it's probably time for us to Start talking about adding some new Coins but I still want to continue Getting the allocation of the current Coins we have correct so we're gonna be Taking 800 out of optimism and we're Gonna be putting it into uh file coin in The 12 ik portfolio it's an emergency That's all I got people asked who way up