Our NFT project on ICP will help fund a lawsuit we have in the works to help repay FTX Users. You don’t want to miss this!
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300 million to one billion dollars worth Of property that FTX Property Holdings Has not FTX digital that money gets sent To the customers we're the only people Trying to fight this fight right now They hit it off the books it was Embezzled customer funds that they used So what we're going to be doing is we're Working we're all on Big Boy Bahamas Forever an ft project the money from This is a 75-25 split so it's 25 percent Of the money goes to uh goes to Raul for Being the artist and putting all this Together and putting all of his work and 75 of the money it's going to roll into Paying for the lawsuit and any of the Money that's left over after the lawsuit That's going to go into our political Action committee as ICP Community knows FTX totally screwed over ICP and we're Trying to work on Smart crypto Regulation that will prevent people from FTX from doing those types of things

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